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This argument is also referred to as the Strawman argument. The idea being when you are born, your birth certificate creates a legel fiction of yourself. This certificate is a contract that the legal system uses to apply it’s force. So in Third Perspective circles, the argument is used that the court has no legal jurisdiction over your flesh and blood self, only your Strawman paper legal fiction.

Many members of these groups use the system to avoid taxes, attending court when summoned with their birth certificate, and arguing that any fines and penalties are to be enforced on the paper legal fiction, not the real person. In the UK, these same groups have even tried to use a mix of this and common law principle to arrest a Court Magistrate. The silly thing is, this argument does not even work, and various members of this group have been arrested and charged. Then the idiots all say that the ‘establishment’ is scared and arresting people to shut them up, rather than the fact they have broken various laws and are essentially subverting law and democracy. Posted by GW . @ironcloudz: Here’s an about that farming crisis: a global agricultural boom in the early 70’s leads to a US farming real-estate bubble, lulling/forcing the middle class farmers into speculation and over-leveraging. And somehow the government’s crisis response ends up giving significantly more subsidies than ever before while still managing to gut the middle class family farm, allowing the major players to pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar..

@GW: I found it particularly amusing that actor Wesley Snipes because, really, if anyone out there is a sovereign citizen. Posted by Pterrafractyl . @GW: The straw man theory also adds a positive new twist to the Romney/Ryan plan to gut social security and medicare: “hey, we’re not trying to cut your entitlements, we’re planning on cutting your fictional legel straw man’s entitlements. You are still a free sovereign being.

Speaking of laughable legal arguments, and given the you decribed, it raises the question of what the sovereign citizens’ stance is on the Birther stuff. Could they really insist that the President show a valid birth certificate when that very system of birth certificates is at the heart of a secret system for commoditizing and trading in our fellow citizens? And the answer is, well, in some instances yesin a.

Suspicious Package Checklist

Install Plugins In Photoshop Portable Cs3 there. I also have to say that I was surprised. And it’s not surprise at Ron Paul’s revolt or the reaction.

It was surprise that like that. After all, the Ron Paul delegation is. Dissing the Paulites is like burning the bridge to the future. But maybe it’s all an inartful part of Mittens’s, where the Romney disavows all the ‘red meat’ he’s been feeding the base during the primary season and Paul Ryan disavows Paul Ryan.

Or maybe it’s some sort of metaphorical political art, like ‘mugging the youth’-style medicare reform art acted out in the form of convention delegate rule changes. It’s all part of the unveiling of the Romney/Ryan 2012 slogan: “You built that bridge to the future and we’re going to burn it down.

Also,.” I think we have a winner. Posted by Pterrafractyl . @GrumpuRex: That reminds me of a notorious excerpt from a fantasy Dominionist snuff piece written by William Lind, a co-founder the (discussed at length ) alongside one of the father’s of modern conservative movement. Lind was also an early pusher of the “Cultural Marxist” meme (Anders Brievik ). Autodia K409 Treiber Agents. It’s a meme we see increasingly show up in mainstream politics these days but note that the theocratic snuff piece was written several years before 1995 and published in the Washington Post on April 30, 1995.: Bangor Daily News Friday, May 26, 1995 Political thinker takes look in future By John S. Day of the NEWS Staff The Triumph of the Recovery was marked most clearly by the burning of the Episcopal bishop of Maine.

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